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Interview: Magic Talk; Ask The Expert – Caroline Sandford answers your career questions
Radio NZ

The most important thing when it comes to changing jobs – or careers – is not doing it as a “knee jerk” reaction, a career expert says.

Caroline Sandford is CEO of the organisation Love Your Career. She has previously written the book Love Your Career, and now comes a new one, Love Your Career Forever; as she discussed with Jim Mora on The Sunday Morning Programme.

A labour shortage this year offers an opportune time to chat with your employer about better career arrangements, or even looking elsewhere and finding that dream job, a careers expert says.

Caroline talks on ‘Afternoons with Jesse Mulligan’ about all things careers, from school leavers and people who feel stuck in the wrong job, to those who are out of work and looking for new opportunities:

Caroline talks to Wallace Chapman on ‘Afternoons with Jesse Mulligan’ about how to write a cover letter. It’s usually the first introduction to prospective employers and plays an important part in securing at least an interview. Caroline shares her tips for writing one which gets attention.

How do you figure out what sort of career to work towards? How do you know what to study to get there? And what if you choose a course or job you don’t like?
Listen to Caroline Sandford on Nine to Noon.
Trade Me

Preparing for your next career move: do I stay or do I go?
Read the article Trade Me

Feature story: moving town for a new job
Read the article Trade Me

Interview: Caroline Sandford talks about Love Your Career From The Start

“Love Your Career From the Start is the book I would have loved to have had when I was younger. I would highly recommend this well-written and well-presented book for all young people who are considering what they want to do with their working lives.”
Reviewer: Karen McMillan
Beach FM

Caroline Sandford, Author – “Love Your Career From the Start”
John Hayes talks to Author, Caroline Sandford her book: “Love Your Career from the Start: Making decisions about your future, a guide for young adults”.
Coast FM

Love Your Career from the Start is a book full of wisdom and insights about making career choices by Caroline Sandford. This practical guide to helping 15 to 25 year olds make the right career choice for their future. Brian Kelly chats to Caroline about the book.
Radio Rhema

A new guide to help young adults in their career decisions has recently been released. Love Your Career from the Start by Caroline Sandford provides readers with some tools to figure out the right direction in terms of their career. Caroline joined Andrew on the show to talk about the book and how to find a career you love.
The Devonport Flagstaff

First-time author pens career guide for young adults.
Read the article on page 44
Magic Talk

Listen to Caroline speak on Magic Talk about the Book Love Your Career.
Hokonui FM

Listen to Caroline speak on Hokonui FM about the Book Love Your Career. “It is what looks like an absolute Bible for young adults.”
Radio Southland

Listen to Caroline speak on Radio Southland about the Book Love Your Career.
Caroline has contributed to the following articles in the NZ Herald: