Reflection helps us to grow

Christmas is so close. The festive spirit is well and truly alive and productivity is definitely not at its peak. Many of you will be hanging out for a break, the extra days off and the chance to recharge after another long year.

Some of you will have had your best year yet (lucky you!) and others will have been working hard, having trouble to see the wood for the trees. Yet there will those of you who will have had many changes, some maybe not by choice, and others looking to secure the job that you want.

Everyone will have a very different story. Regardless, everyone gets value from reflecting. This is an excellent time to take the opportunity to reflect on the year that you have had – the good, bad and ugly! This is an ideal time to review the last 12 months, and set up the foundation for what you want the next 12 months to look like.

So here are some questions to ask yourself, maybe to sit on the beach, or in the backyard, or wherever the place is that allows you the space to really think about and reflect on how this year went, what you learnt about yourself and what you are going to take forward into 2018.

  • What worked well for you?
  • Why did this work?
  • What do you feel most proud of and why?


  • What didn’t work so well?
  • Why was this?
  • What can you do differently to make sure that this doesn’t happen again?


  • What did you love doing over the year?
  • What do you love that hasn’t been part of your year?
  • How can you do more of what you love?


  • What did you do that drained you over the year?
  • How can you make sure that you have less of this over the next year?
  • What can you do differently around this?


  • How have you grown over the year?
  • How would you like to grow in the next year?


  • Is the direction that you are heading where you want to go?
  • If not what are you going to do about it?


  • Are you living the life that you want?
  • What do you need to do to get more of what you want?
  • What do you need to leave behind?

For those of you who had trouble answering these questions, or for those of you who would like support to put a plan in place to ensure that 2018 is your year, then email me at to book a session to begin your journey and start creating the future that you want.