The Art of Networking

I was recently reading an article about networking and how technical skills and knowledge accounts for 15% of the reason for getting, keeping and advancing in a job, and 85% of success is about people skills! A big number I know, and yet a similar statistic is continually repeated in different ways – 20% jobs are found through traditional...

Learning new skills to future proof your career

I have been challenging myself this year, having completed a Coaching Certification and currently studying a Certificate in Conversational Maori. I have always had a passion for learning, having had nine years at university over the years and attending many professional development events. But lately it has been a real challenge to fit my learning into my daily life....

How to stay positive in the job search

Looking for a job can be very disheartening and frustrating - you may apply for many roles, often not getting to the interview stage or even an acknowledgement that you actually applied! However, it is very important to work on staying positive throughout this stage. Not only will your positivity keep you motivated in the search, but how you...

The Portfolio Career

With all the “disruptive innovation” going on around us – the increased development and use of smart technology, automation, artificial intelligence and robotics, our entire world is changing – and at a very rapid rate! It is a very exciting and scary time. With these developments, the need to be adaptable and flexible, and to continually reassess what we...

Career TV Bootcamp – How to make good decisions about your future

Career TV Episode 1
Career TV Bootcamp - How to make good decisions about your future In the first bootcamp in the series for career changers, Caroline shares how the world is changing, how this will affect your career and how you can prepare yourself for these changes. Watch On Facebook

Time to stop the busy-ness

I have just come in from a meeting that went longer than intended – this is after an early morning client, before which I managed to get a quick walk in. But now I am returning client calls, doing last minute preparation for an important meeting before I will rush into Auckland traffic to attend a 3 hour class....

What are your strengths?

I was privileged to attend the World of Wearable Arts (WOW) this year in Wellington. What a visual extravaganza! The amount of work that goes into producing this highly polished production, creatively showcasing the many national and international entrants, has to be celebrated. I have come away inspired. The many hours of labour of love that goes into each design to...

Job search tips from Recruiters

I recently had the opportunity to attend an event with a panel of three recruiters from three very different industries. The first organisation has over 30,000 employees, and is New Zealand’s largest retail grocery company. The second is one of the world’s largest hotel tourism groups, and the third is a leading global super premium wine company. The information...

What do I do when I am really unhappy in my job?

unhappy in your career
What do I do when I am really unhappy in my job? We often start the new year with new energy, revived from having some down time at Christmas and think this year will be MY year! I have had many conversations with friends and clients who were so relieved to get to the end of last year. They were...

Do I talk to my manager about how unhappy I am in my job?

Being in a role that doesn’t bring satisfaction, fulfilment and happiness can take its toll. The average person spends over 100,000 hours at work during their lifetime, and that is a significant amount of time to not enjoy what you are doing. There was an interesting trend during and after Covid-19 lockdowns when most workers were suddenly required to work...

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Return to work

Returning to paid work & the value of transferable skills

  There are many reasons that might lead to a break from paid work, such as taking time to look after kids, caregiving a parent...

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